Applicable to the comment sections of all digital platforms of Radio Azul International and its social media accounts
A space for all of us.
The platforms of Radio Azul International are open to everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
We want to hear your perspective. Your comments enrich our programming and contribute to a more diverse and engaging discussion.
Radio Azul International’s platforms are not anonymous, and the use of pseudonyms is prohibited, except in the Youth Zone. When registering, you must provide your full name, which will be displayed with each of your contributions. Radio Azul International reserves the right to withhold or delete a comment if there is doubt regarding the author's identity. Impersonation is a serious offence that may result in expulsion and/or banning.
Radio Azul International reserves the right to ban, without prior warning, any user who violates its Netiquette.
When posting content on our platforms:
Stay on topic.
Avoid posting the same content repeatedly, as it may be considered spam and will be removed.
Be respectful to other users, as well as to our hosts, commentators, journalists, Radio Azul International employees, and individuals mentioned in the articles and content you comment on. Similarly, comments that violate standards of civilized digital conversation may be deleted.
If you comment on legal matters, remember that individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Use conditional wording or terms like "alleged" or "suspected."
Radio Azul International reserves the right to delete comments containing hyperlinks leading to websites whose authenticity or credibility cannot be verified.
You must be the author of your comment. Copyright violations are strictly prohibited (including copying excerpts from other sites without permission and proper attribution). If most of your content was written or created by someone else, it will not be accepted, even if you cite the source.
Publishing content that is offensive or likely to expose an individual or group to hatred or contempt based on race, origin, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or physical or mental disability is strictly forbidden.
Your comment may be rejected if it contains any of the following:
Respect the privacy of others by not including personal information (such as phone numbers or email addresses) or private conversations in your comments.
Be mindful in discussions regarding the death or injury of individuals, especially when involving children.
Your content must be personal in nature, not commercial. Avoid sharing commercial promotions or press releases.
Please express yourself in French when participating in discussions or posting comments. The use of other languages, except for occasional words, is prohibited.
If you violate the Netiquette, your content will be rejected, and your account may be suspended or blocked. Radio Azul International reserves the right to close or not open a discussion forum on any given topic at any time and to refuse to publish any content.